Brazil Peacock Bass Fishing 2013

November 2013 Amazon Adventure

The 2013 Peacock Bass fishing in the Amazon was another huge success with many big Peacock Bass being caught between 10-17 pounds. I n our area the water levels did not drop as much as they usually do in October and November. This past November the fishing was a little tougher than usual due to the higher than normal water levels. As the water rises, the Peacocks are tougher to get to and take cover under the vegetation. They act like Snook in the Everglades, hiding under the mangroves. Your cast have to be precise and you quickly have to muscle the fish out of cover. I personally fished there during the later part of November and I did mange to catch numerous nice Peacocks and Arawana on fly. I lost a few really big giants and had to upsize my leader to 40lb test bite tippet!!!!!!!!!!!!


Come fish with us next Fall and experience five full days of fishing for the incredible low promotional price of only $1495 per person (all inclusive: guide , boat, food and lodging). Compare this price to other competitors charging $4000 -$5000. I am presently organizing groups for next Fall. Traditionally the best week is the first week of October. I will be there during that time frame next year. Please join me and don’t miss out on an opportunity to fish for big Peacocks in a incredibly serene setting and at an incredibly low price. Caution: This fishing is very addicting and will cause you to return more than once!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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